Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847) Jube dom'ne MWV B 10
Urtext edited by Ralf Wehner [dble mix ch]
choral score
DV 7703
| digitally available
16 pages | 19 x 27 cm | 40 g | ISMN: 979-0-2004-7072-7 | Softcover
The C-minor Kyrie and Jube Dom’ne, Mendelssohn’s first eightpart works, may be juvenilia dating from 1822/23, yet they anticipate in many ways the later mastery of the orchestral Psalms. They were written for Frankfurt’s "Cäcilienverein" but remained unpublished. Our edition also takes into consideration Mendelssohn’s fundamental revision of the Jube Dom’ne, which he undertook at a later date.