Alessandro Marcello (1673–1747) Concerto in D minor
with Ornaments by J.S. Bach edited by Himie Voxman [ob,str,bc] Duration: 10'
- Standard work of oboe repertoire with a touch of J. S. Bach
- Especially suitable for Christmas concerts
- All editorial amendments are marked in the musical text
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Alessandro Marcelloʼs oboe concerto in D minor has become a standard work in oboe studies. At the same time, a Christmas season without this catchy work is unthinkable. It was published around 1716 in a collection of six concertos for various solo instruments, to which Tomaso Albinoni and Antonio Vivaldi also contributed some works. Johann Sebastian Bach had previously made a transcription of this work for harpsichord (BWV 974). As the majority of Bachʼs ornaments can be easily realized on the oboe, editor Himie Voxman has included them in this edition. Voxman has always taken care not to mix Marcelloʼs original and “Bachʼs modifications”. In addition, all editorial amendments are marked in the musical text.