Alexandra Fink (*1969) Spielspaß mit der Katze Tatze
More than 40 Musical Ideas for Playing and Learning
Puzzle-solving is fun for all children! More editions by Alexandra Fink: Mit 50 Notenwitzen zum Notenleseprofi, 50 Notenwitze für Fortgeschrittene, 20 Noten-Kreuzworträtsel and Rätselspaß mit Pius.
Click here for more quizzes and games.
52 pages | 29,7 x 21 cm | 194 g | ISMN: 978-3-7651-9931-8 | Saddle Stitch
„Spielspaß mit der Katze Tatze“ is a follow-up to the „Rätselspaß mit Pius“ and a surprise bag full of game ideas and riddles, leavening the teaching routine and adding variety. The witty cat Tatze [Paw] accompanies the children through the topics musical notation, rhythm, expression and dynamic. The volume contains 44 templates for card games and riddles that can be played alone or in small groups and that are suitable for basic music education as well as early instrumental tuition.