Johann Kuhnau (1660–1722) Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied
Cantata based on Psalm 98 – Urtext edited by David Erler [solos,mix ch,orch] Duration: 12'
solos: SATB – choir: SATB – – – timp– str – bc
- First Urtext edition of the work
- Small scoring and short performing time
- Special musical language with onomatopoetic effects
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Kuhnau’s setting of the 98th psalm Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied is a sonorous cantata with the opulent scoring of two trumpets, timpani and a five-part string section. This baroque gem radiates a special brilliance with its virtuoso part writing. The instrumental and vocal groups alternate to aptly portray the rejoicing, singing and music-making to the glory of God sung about in the text. Kuhnau also comes up with effective sound mixes and echo effects, particularly onomatopoetic in the section to verse 7 (“Das Meer brauset”, the sea is roaring).
Like many of Kuhnau’s other works, this cantata in the form of a psalm concerto has only survived in a score from the music library of the Wolfenbüttel cantor Georg Österreich (1664–1735). Kuhnau probably conceived Singet dem Herrn as a repertoire piece for particularly prestigious events such as New Year’s Day or as festive music, for example for one of the organ consecrations for which he was repeatedly asked to perform in smaller or larger towns in the Leipzig area.
Audio samples: Opella Musica, camerata lipsiensis, cond. Gregor Meyer (cpo, 2018)
1a. Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied |
1b. Denn er tut Wunder |
2. Der Herr lässt sein Heil verkündigen |
3a. Aller Welt Ende sehen das Heil unsers Gottes |
3b. Singet, rühmet und lobet |
3c. Mit Drommeten und Posaunen |
3d. Denn er kömmt, das Erdreich zu richten |
3e. Halleluja, halleluja |